Submitted by: Alan Dykes
When the new year rolls around after the holidays and football season winds to an end we begin to look forward to the new season that is about to begin. Young and old alike begin to shake out there gloves and begin to look forward to a long standing American pastime. Bring on the boys of summer!
One of the most exciting things for me as a youngster growing up in the south was when I would here the announcement at school that it was time for baseball registration in my community. I always loved sports as I was growing up. I was a huge football fan but always looked forward to going at and begin the new year looking forward to baseball season. I loved to watch it on tv but always loved playing the game more. One of the things that I liked the most was the instrutions and training that we recieved from our coaches. Theun taught us not only baseball fundamentals but just plain basic sportsmanship that has stuck with me intil this day.
One of the best things you can do for your young players is to get them the training they need when they are young. My father played a big pat og this in my life. He always kept us in touch with the basics of baseball all year long. If he didn’t have us watchjing baseball movie for motivation he had us watching dvds and videos of baseball fundamentals. The reason he did this he always wanted us to stay out of trouble and to keep us focused on some of the things we loved and baseball was a big part of that. We could not wait to get out there and start that yearly quest in baseball and see are old friends on the diamond again. I can also remeber as a young child as we played in our little league we had no sponsors. We had colors each of us would dress up in thr color our team was whether it be red,blue,green, or black. When we was lucky enough to win we would load up in one of the coaches trucks and head to a local ice cream parlor for that sweet summer treat. With the sound rinding out of the back of the truck who our fallen opponent happened to be.”We beat the reds,We beat the reds!” Wow what a feeling that was!Today we tend to get lost up in all the big stuff and forget about what we were out there for in the first place. We were out there for good clean family fun and the pressure of winning that our kids are exposed to was not there when i were younger!
I am Alan Dykes and I have been associated with Little league sports most of my life. I am now past the coaching stage and are supporting my grandchildren in their sports endeavors. When I was the president of a local athletic association one of the biggest problems these kids had was the lack of knowledge about the fundamental teachings that could begin at home with baseball dvds,videos, and books. Keep your child up with his training all yaer long with these aids. Happy Baseballing!!!
About the Author: I am Alan Dykes and I have been associated with Little league sports most of my life. I am now past the coaching stage and are supporting my grandchildren in their sports endeavors.
Watch plenty of baseball dvds and movies!!!
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